Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game Guide and Walkthrough

Behold, our unofficial strategy guide to overwhelmingly gigantic The Elder Scrolls:

Oblivion. Here you will find everything you need to know about the game and was

afraid to ask anywhere else.
First, some technical stuff. As you may know from other texts about Oblivion, the

game’s world reacts to the player’s progress and evolves with him. That means that

you can actually beat the main quest without even bothering to do anything except it,

‘cause if you don’t level up your character, you’ll be fighting some basic enemies

over and over again to the very end. That leads to the fact that we can’t actually

point out how many or what type of enemies you will be facing in certain situations.

These factors depend on your character’s level. If you don’t want to “loose” time

on leveling up, go ahead and endlessly fight Scamps and basic Dremora soldiers.

We didn’t cover the things that are pretty obvious in our guide. There’s no point

in telling you exactly what to do in each dungeon, so we stick to the essentials.

Hey, you’re a gamer, you shouldn’t feel like a fish out of water when you’re deep

underground surrounded by skeletons, now should you?

There are a lot of bugs in this game. Bugs that keep you from completing certain

quests, make objects disappear or NPCs talk rubbish. Save often, that’s the best

advice we can give you. Every quest is beatable under certain circumstances and bugs

seem to appear randomly, so you might not have a problem at all when you beat them

the second time round.

First, some technical stuff. As you may know from other texts about Oblivion, the

game’s world reacts to the player’s progress and evolves with him. That means that

you can actually beat the main quest without even bothering to do anything except it,

‘cause if you don’t level up your character, you’ll be fighting some basic enemies

over and over again to the very end. That leads to the fact that we can’t actually

point out how many or what type of enemies you will be facing in certain situations.

These factors depend on your character’s level. If you don’t want to “loose” time

on leveling up, go ahead and endlessly fight Scamps and basic Dremora soldiers.