RPG Fans Pick Destiny, Watch Dogs Over The Witcher 3

According to a survey answered by 30,000 IGN readers, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the RPG users are most interested in. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt recently won IGN’s E3 2013 People’s Choice Award and is among the finest next-gen games we’ve seen.

The survey also revealed some interesting information about IGN’s hardcore RPG players, specifically those who stated they play role-playing games “almost exclusively.”

Most notably, Watch Dogs and Destiny transcended genre favoritism to beat both The Witcher 3 as the games RPG fans are most interested in playing.

Most Interesting Games According to Respondents Who Play RPGs 'Almost Exclusively' | 1 = Completely Uninterested, 5 = Very Interested

Most Interesting Games According to Respondents Who Play RPGs ‘Almost Exclusively’ | 1 = Completely Uninterested, 5 = Very Interested

Open-world action game Watch Dogs was voted as the game most anticipated by those who play RPGs almost exclusively. Bungie’s shooter Destiny, which ranked second among hardcore RPG fans who took the survey, is perhaps less surprising — RPG fans may be attracted to its role-playing elements, such as character progression and class system.

Also of note among the survey, in which users who play RPGs almost exclusively ranked the games they’re most interested in, is that RPGs ranked comparatively low compared to other genres. Next up, users chose Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and Infamous: Second Son as their most-anticipated games.

These three action games garnered more interest from RPG players than Kingdom Hearts III, Final Fantasy XV, and The Elder Scrolls Online.

Behind those games is Battlefield 4, which ranked higher than RPGs such as Tom Clancy’s The Division and Dragon Age: Inquisition.