MINECRAFT The Xbox 360 version “TU13 error, ‘Skyline’ derided as mash bag

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“Mass Effect” was officially declared the first mix package MINECRAFT: The Xbox360 version of Sun and 4J Studios followed up to confirm what the name of the store update 13 (TU13) and teasing a little bit what the game can be characteristic mash up package future.

TU13 is definitely a bug fix update MINECRAFT: Xbox360 version of a major update, which added a lot of new items and features like TU12 is the norm. MINECRAFT player has informed Minecraftforum.net of 4J cell phone, such as in the game found a few errors Studios head spinning around wildly, among the list of graphical glitches, watching the QA testers Steven Woodward Germany’s cocoa pods, studio lighting problems and sound problems.

As for the next mash up bag, 4J Studios on Twitter to ask fans what they want to see other games in the future mashed with MINECRAFT. The Elder Scrolls 5: the sky seems to be leading developers should pay attention to the overwhelming response, “Do you know 4J Studios transplant Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion PS3 Bethesda Bethesda 4J ? :)”

This seems to be a fairly clear signal about the future mash contents of the package really is not surprising, because all of the “sky” popularity. It will not be the first time that these two games have been mashed concept Machinima trailer being published in 2011.

4J Studios also said, interestingly, “really made ??a lot more than any other person seems to be a mash bag, this is not my little pony 🙂 sorry Bronies ……”

For those who do not know, the mash texture packet combining, skin, music, and the user interface of the skin again, around the other games. This includes the theme of the world, or create your own player’s ability with the same look. The first mix is filled with “Mass Effect” and will be held September 4 æ—¥ (Wednesday) $ 3.99 (320 Microsoft Points).