Does Elder Scrolls’ lack of an auction house bother you?

Elder Scrolls Online doggie

Yesterday’s Massively Speaking took Elder Scrolls Online to task for not having an auction house. Normally I would agree, given my long-standing passion for MMO economies and crafting.

So far, though, the lack of an AH hasn’t affected my playstyle at all through the first 30 levels. I’m a member of two trading megaguilds as well as my normal guild, and from the inside looking out, there’s no difference between selling to thousands of faceless people in your “guilds” or selling to thousands of faceless people via an AH.

I can’t say whether ZeniMax purposefully designed ESO’s economy this way or simply ran out of the time and money necessary to make an AH. But it doesn’t really matter, personally, because my pre-launch expectations amounted to “yet another themepark crapfest,” so I continue to be pleasantly surprised by how wrong those expectations were — even without an AH! What about you, ESO players? Does the game’s lack of an AH bother you? Vote after the cut!

Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively’s Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o’ judgment — and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

Leaderboard: Are you bothered by ESO’s lack of an AH?