Sign Up for The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Test Today!

The moment you have been eagerly awaiting is finally here! Now is the time for future members of the Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant, and Ebonheart Pact to rally and show your support!

You can now officially sign up for The Elder Scrolls Online beta program starting today. If selected, you will be one of the first people to embark upon the newest Elder Scrolls adventure, and help us beta test The Elder Scrolls Online. Please be aware that this is just beta sign-ups. Once our first beta test begins, we’ll make sure everyone knows—watch our official website, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter for an announcement about the first round of invites.

In honor of opening beta sign-ups, we have released The Elder Scrolls Online – The Alliances Cinematic Trailer. Watch it below! (For the full experience, we recommend watching it at the highest resolution with your sound turned up.)

To learn more about The Elder Scrolls Online beta plans, be sure to listen to the newest Bethesda Podcast, featuring Game Director Matt Firor, Creative Director Paul Sage, and Director of Social Media Jo Burba. The trio discuss what you can expect from our beta, and provide answers to some of your questions from Twitter. Also, please check our new beta FAQ entries for answers to many commonly asked questions about the ESO beta.

Thank you all for your enthusiastic support. We’re thrilled to share this very important day with you. Please be sure to sign up for beta, and help us spread the word about ESO beta sign-ups being open!

Discuss this on the official ESO Facebook page.