Elder Scrolls Online:nine Races

Redguard_LogoThe Redguards are one of the nine playable races available in The Elder Scrolls Online, and they originate from the land of Hammerfell. They are well known for they advanced agility attributes, and are masters of the sword and shield.

Reguards are a part of the Daggerfall Covenant Alliance, along with the Orc and Breton races. They are typically dark-skinned, with skin tones ranging from light brown to an almost pure black skin. They are one of the more muscular human races in Tamriel.


OrcThe Orcs are one of the nine playable races availabe in the Elder Scrolls Online, they are also sometimes referred to as Orsimer, and are considered barbarians by most other races in Tamriel. They originate from the mountainous regions, and centralized in the city of Orsinium, or also called “The City of Orcs”.

Orcs are a part of the Daggerfall Covenant Alliance, along with the Bretons and the Redgaurds. Their skin tons range from dark brown all the way to light green, and they have a very muscular body type.


100px-Nord_CrestThe Nords are one of the nine playable races available in ESO, and they originate from the province of Skyrim. They are known for their natural frost resistance ability, due to the fact that they once lived in very cold northern reaches of Nirn.

Nords are a part of the Ebonheart Pact Alliance, along with the Dunmer and Argonian races. Descendants of the Atmorans, these fair-skinned humans are a powerful race that accompanies the Argonians and Dunmers very well.


KhajiitThe Khajiit race is one of the nine playable races available in ESO, and they reside in the Eslweyr Desert. They excel in the attributes of stealth and agility, and they are well known for the Moon Sugar they are able to produce and later refine into skooma.

Khajiits are a part of the Aldmeri Dominion Alliance, along with the Bosmer and Altmer races. One interesting aspect about the Khajiit race is the fact that they will often refer to themselves in third person.


100px-Dunmer_CrestThe Dunmers are one of the nine playable races in ESO, and originate from the province of Morrowind. They are known for their quick-witted intelligence, and rather reserved nature that they keep about themselves.

Dunmers are a part of the Ebonheart Pact Alliance, along with the Nord and Argonian races. They are well known for their glowing red eyes and skin tones ranging from blue to green to gray.


BretonThe Breton race is one of nine playable races in ESO, and they descended from the people of Nede, as well as Aldmer, and are sometimes referred to as Manmeri. They originate from the province of High Rock, and although they are physically weak they are able to use spells to help resist damage and overpower their opponents.

Bretons are a part of the Daggerfall Covenant Alliance along with the Orcs and the Redguards. They are highly advanced in the art of Arcane magic, and are known as pure spell weavers.


BosmerThe Bosmer race is one of nine playable races in ESO, and they live in the province of Valenwood. Commonly referred to as Wood Elves, the Bosmer race takes pride in their archery skills, and are very well known as being masters of the bow.

Bosmers are a part of the Aldmeri Dominion Alliance along with the Altmer and Khajiit races. They are a very small race, one of the smallest in all of Tamriel, they were also born with skin colors anywhere between a light brown to a pale tan and even a light green.


100px-Argonian_CrestThe Argonians are one of the nine playable races in ESO, living in the Black Marsh area of Tamriel. They are described as very intelligent as well as Enigmatic, and they excel in their stealth and thievery skills.

Argonians are a part of the Ebonheart Pact Alliance in Elder Scrolls Online, along with the Dunmer and Nord races. Descended from the “Hist”, Argonians are a race that is not related whatsoever to men or mer, which is scarce in the land of Tamriel.


AltmerThe Altmer race is one of nine playable races in the Elder Scrolls Online game. Commonly referred to as the High Elves, the Altmer race live in the Summerset Isle and are known for their great magical abilities.

Altmers are part of the Aldmeri Dominion Alliance, along with the Bosmer and Khajiit races. They have a slight golden-pale skin tone, and are the tallest humanoid race in Tamriel.

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