Cologne Game Show 2013: The Elder Scrolls Online Interview – journeying Tamriel continent with Brian Wheeler

The Elder Scrolls Online can be quite substantial. Game Show game we play for two hours, almost no management, and even scratch the surface there is no shadow of a doubt, the biggest and most ambitious Elder Scrolls yet.

Consider the most beloved continent Tamriel large areas from Morrowind Daggerfall, Cyrodiil sky, The Elder Scrolls Online is a massive online games, retains the iconic first-person fighting to become the signature series.

From our all too brief visit skyline and the fresh morning breeze, and we sat down to talk about Elder Scrolls Online brass thumbtacks and beyond Zenimax Online Lead PvP character designer Brian Wheeler, revealing insights into the leveling, ethnic, biological, PVP (obviously) and much more.

The following interview, then our hands, be sure to read the Elder Scrolls Online impression. The game is go to the Xbox in 2014 one.