How to get ESO Gold by three recommended Guides

Earning gold in the Elder Scrolls online may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are numerous options for earning gold. Whether you are a PvP player, PvE player or someone who enjoys crafting, you can find the perfect way to gain enough gold to meet all of your adventuring needs. The three following guides will break down these play style preferences and give you detailed tips for how to get more ESO gold in game.

For PvPer

Earning gold can often be a difficult task for players who enjoy PvP in most MMORPGs. In TESO, you will find that being a PvPer saves you one important step when it comes to gold spending– your first mount. By taking part in Cyrodil as soon as you are capable of and earning enough PvP currency to purchase the PvP mount, you can save yourself a good chunk of gold.

For Crafter

Players who enjoy crafting will be in a position to earn a large amount of gold in TESO. Since players can only master two crafting professions, if you level up crafting eso professions quickly and specialize in crafted goods such as weapons or armor, you can earn quite a bit of gold by selling crafted goods on the open market. Master your chosen professions as quickly as possible and reap the rewards. Also, do not forget racial weapons and armor. If you notice that there’s a particular hole in the market for racial weapons or armor, fill up that hole and give players that unique look.

PvE Player

If you’re the type of player who doesn’t enjoy crafting or PvP, you will most likely be interested in power leveling in the elder scrolls online as quickly as possible and earning enough gold to purchase a mount. Prioritize completing quests to earn those golden rewards. If you enjoy gathering and selling raw goods on the marketplace, you can gather raw materials for other crafters. If not, you should try to do any quests that are available as well as keep an eye out for rare armor and weapon drops that can be sold.

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