Elder Scrolls Online Beta

The Elder Scrolls Online Beta has now sent out two rounds of closed beta invites, the first set of invitations went out on March 26th and the second on April 8th. Since it has now been over a month since the previous beta invites were sent out, we should be on the lookout for the third round of invitations very soon. We know from the previous two rounds of Elder Scrolls Online Beta invitations that they were only small waves of invites. Bethesda posted on their ESO website that you shouldn’t be discouraged if you didn’t receive an invitation as they will be sending out invitations soon with many more recipients.

excellent beta2

Your best shot at receiving a beta invitation is to sign up on The Elder Scrolls Online website under the beta section. You’ll be asked several questions about your MMO gaming history, as well as asked to give your computers specifications. Make sure you fill out every single spot that you can, as this will increase your chances of being sent an invitation. If you fill out everything, you should see the bar on the side of the screen filled up and it will state your chances of being selected for the Elder Scrolls Online Beta are “excellent”.

There has been no word about a date for when the open beta will be released, nor has anything been said about a release date other than “2013″. However, it would be very likely that the game will be released sometime in November or December, in order to hit shelves in time for the Holidays. Taking that into consideration, we could likely see an open Elder Scrolls Online Beta sometime between late September and late October depending on when the release date is set for. Regardless of when this information is released, you can be sure that we will relay any Elder Scrolls Online Beta info to you via this website.
