5 teams to help learn game design

The game is very hard to create the design in the modern era . This is especially true when it comes to new and original idea, because it is very difficult to get them to the World AAA standards. Now that more people enter the world of game design thinking , this is a great idea , began to expand their own ideas and play games, including what is really needed . In the computer game design as a college graduate , I am honored to share with you my recommended five teams play , if you want to get into game design .
This is a clear prodigy first series is Mega Man series. Whether classic Mega Man , Mega Man X, Mega Man Legends or any other incarnation , Blue Bombers action and platform expertise is world renowned . But how can Rockman help when it comes to game design .Image 1
Rockman has seen a lot of different iterations over the years , has been a hallmark of each in a different way
First off is a series of action platform genre . Mega Man in an era where there are a lot of competition, because it is easy to use and challenging game . Phase, which is a good example , because each person is unique, and adds the player to overcome different challenges.
For example, in the stage of Mega Man 1 Gutsman have a mobile platform , you must traverse . The first one you get peace of mind along the transport, you see your platform below to go over the line a gap. Instead, the game displays a prompt saying ” mind the gap is the game shows you in real time what will happen , so now you can prepare yourself in danger awaits . This is a challenging game design combined a lesson , you learn the game via streaming . drying created a prompt that tells you there is danger , just ruins the experience, but if you see the danger before it happens , it can be prepared for you in advance to those hazards. players Introduced this form can also be seen on the game Megaman X, with the introduction of stage design stage of the game introduces the possibility of danger , and even there, they will be introduced in the future players . immersion also carries across from you to teach you skills to play , there is no in-game hints or notification.
Remember Mega Man series is another key is how to retro art style as loyal as a game realism appeal. As the music of the game retro look and feel, but today’s AAA games comparable game. This in turn inspired by games like Scott Pilgrim VS the world , because sometimes the game more fun to experience , and if they do not represent real-life scenarios.
The second franchise , I would suggest that the future of the game designers, the iconic Duke Nukem “series. The series began as a platform for action games, but beyond the first-person shooter and third-person action game. Nukem ” franchising is a great way to show how the game can begin in a genre , and then into different genres and still work very well. Duke Nukem 3D is a great FPS game play, because it combines lively witticisms , doomsday weapons , puzzles and platform portion and adult content of the array. It took the best part of many games around the time and refine them to create a new experience.
These games have their own lessons to teach common people when it comes to game design . There are more iconic franchises and games , it should be noted that the lessons they can teach , but of course these are just my suggestions may help you.