The Elder Scrolls Online at PAX Prime 2013

We checked the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) at PAX East and E3 this year, but the latest demonstration at PAX Prime 2013 is the strongest one. It as an open world strongest skyline style MMORPG game frame. UI and game echo the sky so perfect, if a person just sit down and play with two wins in a random that it will take some notice the difference. This is good news for fans of the sky, but those looking for significant differentiation in style and feel may be postponed almost pious observance beloved RPG.

Pathfinder / adventure feel than the previous iteration much more dynamic. Without having to seek questgivers and turn plug experience in this presentation are the ESO will come to the players. This occurs in a variety of ways, from the pursuit of simple trigger occurs when moving or explore new areas, or in different places of the NPC, the pop-up actions related tasks occurs near the player.

This is a simplified process, less focus on looking for things to do, transported back to the city to complete the task of exploration and discovery with considerable incentives. Emphasized that, like many other current root and the upcoming game is an open world elements and exploration.

The exhibition featured a number of aspects of the decision-making and ask how you can change the players around the world a task involving one of the city was razed to the ground. Players witness “Beginner village” transformed into a full aggressive enemy danger zone. Walk into defeating enemies are many, but like all small piece of MMORPG games without really doing justice – real expansion play sessions, focusing on multiplayer gaming experience to do any real study.

The biggest takeaway from this demo is much ESO looks, feels, and playing like the sky. ZeniMax can be transferred to subscribe waters against the modern MMORPG monetization tide, but at this point, it looks and feels like an extended horizon powerful online experience.